Taking a workcation with children

How to Take a Workcation with the Kids: Make the Most of It!

When you think of taking a workcation with the kids in tow, chances are the image conjured in your mind isn’t very idyllic. After all, how can you run a business or hold meetings while ensuring your little ones are safe and entertained?

Planning Ahead for a Stress-Free “Work” Vacation

While it may financially or logistically be easier to take your work vacation with the kids in tow, a certain degree of planning and preparation is required.

Start by focusing on the practicalities. Will you need extra gear? Will you need help with childcare? What can you do to make sure you can still check off your work tasks while keeping the kids’ needs in mind?

To make the most of a workcation with the kids, plan a flexible daily schedule that blends work and leisure activities. Depending on the age and temperament of your children, you may want to take advantage of virtual tours of historical sites, museums, and other entertaining resources that could keep them occupied while you work.

Are You Prepared to Make the Most of It?

Once you have your daily schedule set, consider if you and your family are really prepared for such a work-filled vacation. Is work really the priority? If so, will the kids be able to accommodate the demands?

This is especially important if they are very young and require a lot of attention and care. It may be difficult to find the balance between work and entertaining them.

If they are old enough, discuss the expectations with them. You can still have a workcation with them, but keep an eye on their interactions with their environment to make sure that everyone is happy.

Elevate Your Family Workcation to New Heights

If they are old enough, you can always make the most of your family workcation by sharing your work with your kids. Depending on the nature of your work and their level of maturity, this can include anything from reading an article to them or finding a game that boosts productivity.

You can also engage your children in productive activities such as making arts and crafts activities. You can also involve them in the planning process so they are involved in the decision-making regarding the workcation.

Encourage Rest & Relaxation for Everyone

When taking a workcation with the children, ensure that you and your children take some time for rest and relaxation. Whether it’s your day off or their day off, make sure they are getting enough sleep and having the opportunity to take part in activities that they find interesting.

You should also take some time to talk to your kids and re-connect. It may be difficult when you’re juggling work and parenting, but it is important to ensure that all of your children’s needs are met.

Enjoy Every Moment

Remember that when taking a workcation with your children, it doesn’t always have to be all work and no play. Your family workcation could turn out to be a great bonding experience and a great way to recharge and refresh.

Take those opportunities to enjoy the moments you have with your family – whether it’s working on a project together or simply taking a nature hike together. Get creative and find the joy in your “work” vacation!